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          Corundum crucible

          剛玉坩堝 剛玉坩堝 剛玉坩堝

          Product Features
          1. Corundum crucible is made of porous fused alumina, hard and refractory.
          2. Corundum crucible with anhydrous Na2CO3 and some other suitable alkaline substance as a flux melt samples, not suitable for Na2O2, NaOH and other strong alkaline substances and acids as a flux (such as K2S2O7, etc.) molten sample.
          3. Corundum crucible characteristics: high temperature, acid and alkali resistance quench extreme heat and chemical resistance.
          4. Corundum crucible shapes: curved, cylindrical.
          5. Corundum crucible specification :5-1000ml.
          Product Performance
          1,99.70% corundum 1800 ℃ 1650 ℃ - 1700 ℃ corundum crucible in oxidizing and reducing atmosphere, with good high temperature insulation and mechanical strength. Thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient. With air at above 1700 ℃, water vapor, hydrogen, carbon monoxide does not react. Short-term maximum use temperature of 1800 ℃.
          2,99.35% corundum 1750 ℃ 1600 ℃ - 1650 ℃ corundum crucible in oxidizing and reducing atmosphere.
          3,85.00% 1350 ℃ 1290 ℃ alumina alumina crucible in oxidizing and reducing atmosphere, with good high temperature insulation and mechanical strength. Thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient. And air, water vapor, hydrogen, carbon monoxide does not react. Temperature field in the case of small temperature changes can be long-term use. Short-term maximum use temperature of 1400 ℃.
