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          Alumina ceramic tube

          剛玉陶瓷管 剛玉陶瓷管 剛玉陶瓷管 剛玉陶瓷管

          Product Features
          1, good wear resistance
          Alumina ceramic wear liner tube as corundum ceramics (a-AL2O3), equivalent to 9.0 Mohs hardness up to HRC90 or more. Therefore, metallurgy, electric power, mining, coal and other industries grinding medium transport have high wear resistance. The industrial operation confirmed: its hardened steel wear life is ten times or even several times.
          2, corrosion-resistant, anti-fouling
          Since the steel ceramic layer (a-AL2O3), a neutral character. So with acid and seawater resistant, and also has anti-scaling and other characteristics.
          3, heat resistance and thermal performance punch Fou
          As the alumina ceramic (a-AL2O3), as a single crystal structure stability. Linear expansion coefficient material 6-8 × 10-6/0C, about the steel pipe about 1/2.
