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          Horseshoe corundum tube

          剛玉馬蹄管 剛玉馬蹄管 剛玉馬蹄管

          Horseshoe corundum tube Description:
          Horseshoe-shaped tube is dense corundum fused corundum for the skeleton, inorganic or organic matrix plasticity by> 1800 ℃ high temperature sintering, prepared tubular horseshoe furnace tubes, conical tubes, thread-shaped tube and special shaped tube; Outline size outside diameter 15-200 mm, length 100-2000 mm, wall thickness of 3-15 mm and a variety of special shaped corundum products. For tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum and rare metal brushed, powder metallurgy sintering furnace and hydrogen furnace, electric furnace inflatable hot.
